Monday, 2 June 2014

Post the Thirty-First - taking it lying down

When I wrote yesterday that I didn't have anything particularly exciting to share with you, how I should have phrased it is that I wasn't doing anything exciting. I say that because yesterday was very exciting indeed for my aunt Lucy. She ran the Comrades Marathon in South Africa. It covers a distance of over 89km, and I'll be writing about her awesome feat at some point over the next few days, but I want to get more of a feel from her of what it was like to run the race before I discuss it in detail.

Today, then, I want to elaborate on my 'sleep loose' post, and the work I did with Suzy this morning to try an alleviate some of the aches, because it showed me just how far my body has come. Reminders like that are hugely important when dealing with pain.

So, this morning, I lay on my back on my bed. Now, you might think that this isn't such a big deal, because since the sciatica has dissipated I've been comfortable enough to spend quite a bit of time on my back. To the uninterested observer, you'd be right, of course - because, during those times very little has ostensibly changed. After all, it's not as if I've suddenly managed to get my legs down and flat on the bed. On the contrary - they're still wanting to be supported, and the right one is especially vehement in that regard.

However, upon examining the situation a little closer, you'd find that all sorts of things have changed. Not only am I able to tolerate lying on back whilst being stretched, but I can cope with my position being changed. This meant that Suzy could move my shoulders and hips in order to get me into the proper alignment. AND IT WAS COMPLETELY COMFORTABLE!

You're probably wondering why on earth that would excite me enough to write in capitals. Well, if I'm comfortable being put into the correct position, it means my bones and joints and things are still flexible. So now I just have to get my muscles strong enough to keep me there!


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