Monday, 30 June 2014

Post the Fifty-Ninth - draft

Today was spent doing some more work on my dissertation, and then catching up with a dear friend I've not seen since the end of Warwick, so there's not been much time for anything major to occur physically. However, it got me thinking, and I'd like to share some of my ponderings now.

The writing process is a tricky beast, as it is extremely rare that anything gets onto the page fully formed, and this means that there are many drafts. I've come to the conclusion that it's the same with my body - there are many layers to add (as well as to remove) and a few revisions to make at each stage of the journey.

I used to think, when I was little, that I'd just jump out of my chair one day. Now I understand that the physical process is just as nuanced as my beloved writing, and that it's important for me to give as much care and attention to each individual part of my body as I would to each section of a novel or a play - whilst also retaining an idea of the bigger project and how they all fit together.

My body is a story, too, and it's up to me how I write it - however long it takes.

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