Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Post the Forty-Seventh - take to the floor

I wanted to write a coherent and considered post about this, to compensate for the last few shorter ones, but I am still so overwhelmed by the enormity of what I have to tell you that I can only manage a few sentences.

This evening, I had my first session of 'proper' physio (i.e. with a physiotherapist) in almost two years...and I lay on the floor (comfortably) for nearly two hours. Not only that, but I was on my back for the majority of the session, and I even managed fifteen or twenty minutes on my left side. I haven't been on my left side for longer than thirty seconds in about five years.

I don't have pictures because, in order for my physio to do a proper reassessment, I had very few clothes on. So you'll have to trust me - but it happened...I just don't have any more words to tell you how. My heart is too full of joy to be verbal tonight...but perhaps that's eloquent in itself.

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