Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Post the Forty-Sixth - standing up for myself

Another short one today. However, to make up for that, I have some rather momentous news. I can now push myself up to standing on my own - by which I mean that all the impetus for the upward movement comes from me. This isn't to say that I can support myself independently in standing (I'm still quite a way from that yet) but I am the once again the one responsible for the transition between sitting and standing. Whereas before my legs would take my weight from the time I was upright, now I can follow through on perching and lever myself up.

That means it's easier for whoever's helping support me to deal with trousers and things, because they can focus on that instead of on me, since as long as I have a good grip on their waist I feel completely stable and safe.

Things are changing...


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