Thursday, 12 June 2014

Post the Forty-First - carriages and cobbles

I have had a very, very long and busy day full of car journeys, meetings and tours (at the end of which we went to IKEA) so I am tired and can only manage coherence if this is a short post. That's not to say I won't be writing about today's events in detail - I will, because it has been very exciting.

For tonight, though, I wanted to let you know that not only is my chair fixed but it can tackle cobbles! (Most of the time - the reduced power of the slower motors means I frequently got stuck.)

Why is this important? It means that I'm definitely winning my ongoing feud with sciatica. If I can cope with both cobbles and the extra jolts caused by my chair getting caught in the grooves between them then, well, I can cope with anything. Anything - and, of course, this allows me to take my writerly immersion into the eighteenth century world of my play just that little bit further, hence the carriages in the title. However cringeworthy the final product may turn out to be, at least no-one will be able say I didn't do my research!  

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