Thursday, 19 June 2014

Post the Forty-Eighth - mind palace

An aspect of the support that I mentioned in my post on DSA was the assistive software which helps me to complete university work. I have many different programmes, but one that I use on most days is MindView - and it is this to which I devote today's update (yet again a short one, sorry!).

MindView allows the user to create mind maps (sometimes referred to as 'spider diagrams') electronically. These are really useful tools for project planning - in case you've not encountered them before, the idea or topic goes in a big circle in the middle, and then it can be broken down into smaller parts with the 'legs' that shoot off. Now, most people would probably do these by hand...but what if (like me) you can't?

That's where MindView comes in. With it, I have been able to create a neat and comprehensive plan for my dissertation (with extensive notes for each spider and each leg to a level of detail to rival Sherlock) that is getting me through my various drafts. Yet another reason to be grateful that I do not actually live in the eighteenth century, although I shall always love it.

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