Sunday, 18 May 2014

Post the Sixteenth - for my dear Mama

Mothers' Day was last Sunday in South Africa, and a couple of months back here in the UK, and I marked both of those occasions by telling my Mama how much she means to me. I did so in private, though, the same way I conduct most of the rest of my personal life. That said, sometimes it's important to demonstrate feelings through more than a hug and a nice time spent together, or even a gift - and today I wanted to do that via the medium of this blog.

Last night we had tickets for Simon Stephens' new play, Birdland, at the Royal Court. Now, these had been booked ages ago (before my chair broke), and I fully expected that we wouldn't be going. Not only did we go, but Mama pushed me around Chelsea, over cobbles and up curbs that were too large to really deserve the name 'dropped', in order for us to get to the theatre. The play was brilliant (and I saw a fellow theatrical friend, James, even though it was too difficult to get over there to say hello. If you read this, sorry!). I felt truly lucky to be there.

So I wanted to use today's post to thank you, Mama. For being a chauffeuse extraordinaire and a wheelchair technician. For being my drill sergeant and insisting I do the physio which will keep me in shape. For being a scribe and making sure I get through this second degree, so I have a graduation ceremony in which to walk once again. For being my stylist and getting me suitably dressed to greet each new and exciting day. For the bedtimes, the get ups, the showers and the toilet transfers. For the laughs and hilarity, as well as the shoulder to cry on when things get tough. For supporting me along the path of my chosen career, even though the road to theatre is filled with all the more (both figurative and literal) ruts if one is trying to tread the boards sitting down.

Most of all, thank you for the love and advice, and for instilling in me that the observation made by one of my first paediatricians (that I can always be counted on to buck trends) is actually a pretty cool way to live life.

It's really appreciated.

I love you.     

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